Day-Camporee Signup is Here!
It's time to sign up for Day-Camporee! What is Day-Camporee, you ask?
Day Camporee is one day in the fall when we get together and work on skills that make up the Girl Scout curriculum together. This year's theme is Juliette's quest! Each skill station will have an age appropriate learning opportunity and activity for the scouts to do.
Day-Camporee is Saturday October 26th from 8:30am until 4:30pm.
Arrival will be from 8:30-8:55
We will start with a Flag Ceremony and Opening at 9am.
There will be 1-hour rotations assigned at each shelter with a 30 min lunch break (BYO)
Final All Camp Songs Closing from 4-4:30.
We will rotate through a series of stations, spread around Lake Sevier in Shelby Park. We will explore the five elements in nature – earth, water, fire, air and space - in conjunction with STEM, Outdoor, Life Skills, Entrepreneurship, and Higher Awards.
When you are done with the day, your scouts will have completed Juliette's Quest to earn a special Founder's Day patch.
Cost to register your troop is $20 and then $13 per girl attending. Adults chaperones and leaders are free. If you are a new troop who does not yet have any funds, please let us know.
What do you need to do?
Registration - Use this Google Form to register your troop -
Send payment to SU 23 - Checks can be delivered to Keri Adams or you can send payment to the SU PayPal electronically.
We encourage you to invite your parents to volunteer to set up, facilitate, or clean up. This is a group effort to benefit their girl.
Day Camporee Schedule
Coming Soon!
Leader Guide
Coming Soon!
Drop Off and Pick Up
Shelby Park is a hub of activity on Saturdays. Today will be no different. Please share the following map with your Troop Parents for drop off. It is important that we keep the flow of cars going since there are more than 200 scouts here today.
Drop-Off and Pick-Up will be at the Mission Shelter
However you choose to enter the park, please turn on Bendelow Ln (some maps call this Long Ave) at the SW corner of Sevier Lake. Please drop off / Pick Up at Mission Shelter and continue West on Bendelow Ln/ Long Ave.
Drop-off/Pick-up Map